At St. Edwards we have a commitment to high achievement and we strive to provide all of our children with a quality education appropriate to their individual needs. The school environment nurtures the whole child, giving them the opportunity to develop their skills and knowledge in a Catholic setting.
We believe that every child is unique, gifted and special and it is our role to support and inspire them. We believe that children have an equal right to an inclusive education, which enables them to fully develop their personal, social and intellectual potential and to experience success every single day.
This is underpinned by the policy of our trust.
Trust SEND Policy Statement
At Nicholas Postgate Catholic Academy Trust our vision for children with special educational needs and disabilities is the same as for all children – that they fulfil their potential through enjoying, achieving and celebrating their learning by keeping Christ at the centre of all they do, that they have high aspirations and are aware that they are known and valued members of their community. We believe that all children have an equal right to an education which enables them to fully develop their personal, social and intellectual potential and become lifelong learners fulfilling their Christian mission and moral purpose. Within our Trust we have a commitment to high achievement and we strive to provide all our children with a quality education matched appropriately to their particular needs. We see high quality provision as essential and believe that channelling our energies into working closely together as a family of Catholic schools to provide outstanding education will bring high aspirations into reality for all of our pupils.
More information can be downloaded below:
Click here to download the School SEND Information Report
Click here to download School Accessibility Plan
Link to Keeping Children Safe in Education Policy
SEN Information – Link to Middlesbrough Local Offer
Our school SENDCo is Mrs McGuinness who can be contacted on [email protected] or 01642 819507
For further advice please click on the link below:
Contact details of support services for parents of pupils with SEN:
SENDIASS – Information, Advice and Support Service
Contact Name: Alison Joyce
Telephone: 07925 149157
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: Barnardo’s website
SEND Acronyms – What do they Mean?
Acronym | Explanation |
ASD | Autism Spectrum Disorder |
CAMHS | Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services |
CCG | Clinical Commissioning Groups |
EGC | Education, Health & Care |
EP | Educational Psychologist |
ESCO | Early Support Care Co-ordination |
EWO | Education Welfare Officer |
HI | Hearing Impairment |
LA | Local Authority |
MLD | Moderate Learning Difficulty |
MSI | Multi-Sensory Impairment |
OT | Occupational Therapy / Therapist |
PD | Physical Disability |
PMLD | Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties |
PR | Parental Responsibility |
PT | Physiotherapy / Physiotherapist |
SALT / SLT | Speech & Language Therapy / Therapist |
SEN | Special Educational Needs |
SENCo | Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator |
SEND | Special Educational Needs and Disabilities |
SLCN | Speech, Language & Communication Needs |
SLD | Severe Learning Difficulties |
SpLD | Specific Learning Difficulties |
STAPS | Specialist Teacher and Psychology Service |
TA | Teaching Assistant |
VI | Visual Impairment |