Keeping you safe

You can speak to any adults at school about anything that is worrying you. However, there are five adults who have the special job of keeping you safe.

Mrs M Brown (Executive Head Teacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead)



Mrs Angel, Mrs McGuinness, Mr Joyeux and Mrs Harris-Matthews (Deputy Safeguarding Leads)


We are always supporting our children with understanding how they can keep themselves safe – already this year we have a visits from Cleveland Fire Brigade on Bonfire/Firework Safety and Cleveland Police to deliver workshops on Internet Safety.

Our curriculum also supports and develops children’s understanding of safety and wellbeing.

Useful links

The Department for Education commissioned the NSPCC to launch a new helpline called Report Abuse in Education. The helpline comes after numerous anonymised testimonials of sexual harassment and abuse in schools and colleges were shared to the Everyone’s Invited website.

The helpline will provide support to:
  • children and young people who want to share current and non-recent experiences of sexual abuse and harassment
  • children and young people who want to talk about being involved in or witnessing any incidents
  • anyone who works or volunteers in a school setting and needs support and guidance
  • adults who have experienced non-recent abuse
  • parents and carers who are concerned about their own child or other children.

Click here to access the NSPCC website


ParentWise is a Home Office Website which  gives information for parents/carers about potential harm indicators, tips on how to have open conversations and links to advice designed to help keep young people in their care safe.

You can access ParentWise via this link ParentWise – A helping hand for parents and carers (

Click here to download a flyer for Parents Wise:


Safeguarding and Child Protection Procedures

Child on Child Abuse Policy