This year, our parish and school are working together to support our Communicants in their faith journeys. We are offering catechesis to children in Year 4 and older.

We are using the ‘I Belong’ catechesis books.


Our catechists are all active members of our parish of the Holy Name of Mary. They are

  • Mrs McClurey (lead catechist)
  • Mrs Haycock
  • Mrs Burns
  • Mr Kirk
  • Mr McIntyre
  • Ms Kelleher


Please speak to Mrs Gardner or Mrs Grainger in school if you have any queries or require any further information.


Important Dates:

  • Parents’ Meeting: Monday 23rd January at 5:30pm (School Hall)
  • First Catechesis Session: Thursday 2nd February at 3:15-4:00 (School Hall)
    • Please note: other catechesis dates have been sent out via email and text
  • First Confession: Thursday 30th March at 6pm (Holy Name of Mary)
  • First Communion Rehearsal: Summer term 2023 (time and date TBC)
  • First Holy Communion:  Saturday 15th July (Exact time TBC) (Holy Name of Mary)
  • First Communion Breakfast: Monday 17th July (during the school day; children only) (School Hall)