Please find admissions information below:


Parents must apply for a school place for every child moving from nursery to reception, or primary to secondary school.

All applications for a school place, including mid-year transfers, must be made on the Local Authority Common Application Form.

For further advice and support on how to apply, please access the Middlesbrough Schools Admissions website by clicking the link below:


Parents applying to a Catholic Academy should also complete the Supplementary Information Form (SIF) as, if the academy is oversubscribed, the information contained within the
SIF will allow the Board of Directors to identify which over subscription criteria your
application is to be considered against. All forms must be returned by the closing date set by the Local Authority. Failure to provide a Supplementary Information Form (SIF) could affect the category in which your application is placed. Please note that it is the responsibility of the parent/carer to complete all forms and supply evidence – reminders will not be sent.

Children with an Educational Health and Care Plan which names our academy in their plan will be admitted to the academy.


School Admission Appeal Timetable

The admission authority for the school must allow parents at least 20 days to

appeal from when the decision letters are sent out.

The admission authority will submit a deadline) for submitting your appeal.
If you submit anything after the deadline, it might not be considered and may
result in delays to your hearing.

Appeals should be heard within 40 school days of the deadline for making an appeal
An independent panel will hear appeals during June and July of that academic year.


School Transfers

If you are wishing to transfer your child to St. Edward’s from another school, you must apply on a local authority common application form. Please find further details and information on this by clicking on the link below:

School Transfers


Admissions Policy

Our Planned Admission Number (PAN) for September 2023 is 60.

The admissions criteria will be applied on an equal preference basis, in accordance with our admissions criteria.