Year 1

Welcome to the Year 1 page!

Our Year One teachers are Mrs George and Miss Melvin.


Our teaching assistant is Miss Dunnakey.


Please find below our Curriculum Newsletters which explain what the children will be learning each term:


Please ensure that your child’s uniform is clearly labelled – including ties and shoes!

Water Bottles

Children should bring a clearly labelled bottle to school each day. Please remember – no juice, water only please!

Physical Education

During the Autumn Term, our PE lessons are on a Wednesday and Friday. Due to the current restrictions, we ask that children come to school dressed in their outdoor PE kit.

Outdoor PE Kit: navy blue jogging bottoms, white t shirt, navy blue zipped hooded top and trainers. 

The children will also be accessing the outdoor area throughout the day so it is important that they bring a coat too!


At this age listening to stories and regular support with reading and phonics are particularly important.

Reading books will be changed on a Friday. Children have access to a range of shared reading books which they can change themselves throughout the week. 

In class, we have a Gingerbread Man reading challenge. Each time your child reads a book, either from school or one from home they will be awarded points so please make sure you fill in their reading record!

Certificates are given out as the children reach each goal – the final prize is a tasty gingerbread man!


Homework is sent home on a Friday and should be returned by the following Thursday.