A warm welcome to KS2! Your children will be participating in big changes this year however we are here to care for and support them at the beginning of their Key Stage 2 journey. Please do not hesitate to contact a member of Year 3 staff with any queries.

Our year 3 teachers are Mrs Carney and Mrs George



Our teaching assistant is Mrs Plant.



Seneca High School - 2019 Spring Newsletter

Below you will find our Curriculum Newsletters which explain what the children will be learning each term. Please wait for our Autumn version.


Admin details

Water bottles are welcomed in school and children are encouraged to refill them as necessary. Please take note of the weather, apply sun screen before school, send a sun hat and water bottle each day.

Reading books will be changed on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday and we encourage nightly reading with an adult whenever possible.

Homework will be issued each Friday to be returned the following Friday, including spellings.


Please have a full outdoor PE kit available as we will be utilising outdoor space whenever possible this term.

Our P.E days are currently Tuesday and Thursday

Our reading this half term will be driven by four texts.

  • Greta and the Giants
  • The Pebble in my Pocket
  • Leon and the Place Between
  • The Night Before Christmas
Through these books we will practise a range of skills such as inference, prediction, character analysis and plot as well as understanding authorial intent and forming our own opinions.

We will continue to develop our spelling and grammar knowledge.

Please find a copy of the Year 3/4 statutory spelling list below.
Writing this term will focus on poetry, first person narrative, non-chronological reports, formal letters and dialogue.
Image result for maths clipart
This term our topics in Maths will be:
  • Place Value
  • Addition and Subtraction
  • Multiplication and Division

Click here for some interactive learning games.

By the end of Year 3 children should be fluent with their x2, x3, x4, x5, x6  x8 and x10
Please encourage your child to use Times Tables Rockstars daily.
Children will be tested on their key skills throughout the week. Please keep testing your children at home.
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Our topics for the Autumn Term will be:
  • The Human Body
  • Cycles in Nature


The Human Body

  1. The Muscular System
  2.  The Skeletal System
  3. The Nervous System
  4. Nutrition
  5. The Digestive System

Cycles in nature

1. The Four Seasons (prior learning)
2. Seasonal Cycles in Plants
3. Life Cycle of a Plant
4. Animal Migration
5. Life Cycle of a Frog


Try these BBC bitesize activities;


Our History topics this term will be Stone Age to Iron Age and Ancient Egypt.

Stone Age to Iron Age

1. Mesolithic Hunter-Gatherers
2. Life in Neolithic Britain
3. The Bronze Age
4. Stonehenge
5. The Iron Age

Ancient Egypt

1.Locating Egypt and the River Nile
2. Life in Ancient Egypt
3. Religion and the Afterlife
4. Tutankhamen and Howard Carter
5. Hieroglyphics

Here is a link to some BBC Bitesize games.









Our topics this term are Spatial Sense and Settlements.

Spatial Sense
1. Maps, compasses and symbols
2. Symbols on maps
3. Grid References
4. A contrasting locality (Human Geography)
5. A contrasting locality (Physical Geography)
1. Settlements
2. Types of Settlements
3. Urban, Rural and Suburban areas
4. Population Density
5. What do settlements need?
Topic’s this term.
  • Creation and Covenant
  • Prophecies and promise


 This half term in French we will be looking at words and phrases which are associated with ‘greetings in the classroom’

symbol-physical-education-clipart.png (900×750) | Education clipart, Physical education, Physical education games
Our PE topics this term will include:
  • Athletics
  • Dance
Image result for jigsaw pshe"

Our topics will be:

  • Relationships
  • Changing Me

PSHE will be taught through a cross curricular approach, covering the following themes: Health and Well Being, Relationships and Living in the Wider World. It will be interwoven into our curriculum. We are also completing stand alone PSHE, mental health and well-being lessons to support the children.


Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) development is also taught throughout our curriculum. 

Class Saint

Saint Therese of Lisieux has many names such as the little flower, the saint of the little way, and the greatest saint of modern times.  Her message of simplicity and childlike trust in God, our merciful father is timeless and lives on in many hearts as a spirit of courage and hope.  In 1927, Pope Pius XI declared her the universal co-patron of the missions with St. Francis Xavier.  Her love for the missions and her power of intercession were so strong that she was a missionary in spirit even though she never physically left the monastery in Lisieux.  In 1994, Pope St. John Paul II named her co-patroness of France with St. Joan of Arc.

 Saint Therese is also the patroness of florists.  She loved flowers and mentioned them often.  “When I die, I will send forth a shower of roses from the heavens.”  Throughout the years, she has proven faithful to her promise of intercession and will never forget those she loves.
